Social Commentary

The Christian Face in Disaster

  After the torrential rains of Christmas Eve, communities in Dominica, St. Lucia and St. Vincent & the Grenadines were left reeling from destruction with floods, landslides and destroyed bridges. The most significant impact was however the loss of lives in the countries with deaths totaling 18 so far with several persons still missing.
        The scale of the tragedy was brought out by the pictures and videos posted on social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter. Throughout Christmas Day, the traditional celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ, pictures poured in of damage, destruction and despair. However one picture brought a spirit of comfort and hope (maybe just to me.) This powerful picture showed a cleric comforting a young woman crying in pain.


The Oldest trees often bear the sweetest fruit. – German Proverb
This morning while taking the bus, I was struck by something that happened. I saw an older gentleman (around 65) get on the bus and proceeded down the aisle. Now the morning rush is on, so there’s no need to say that the bus is packed. I observed as the gentleman made himself comfortable standing on the bus and I thought to myself, there are so many young men seated on the bus. Couldn’t one of them get up and give the older man his seat? (I was standing in case you’re wondering)

But this begs the question: How do we treat our elderly in our society? Do we accord them the respect that they deserve?
Too many times do we see our older persons walking and we don’t give a thought as to what sacrifices they have made for themselves, their children, their communities and their nations. Older persons have been through the storm we call life. Some have been dealt good hands; some have been dealt bad hands and yet have persevered to overcome what we young people today may call insurmountable challenges. I have often wondered if the older generation had received the opportunities that we have now, what the world would be like today? Sometimes I see old people struggling to pull a door or carry a heavy bag, Have you ever offered to help them?
We need to learn to appreciate the gift of older persons in our society. They have the experience that us as young people lack and we can learn so much from them. I have always been passionate about old people because I see that sometimes all they want is a warm smile and a listening ear. Some them are abandoned and some of them feel abandoned. All they need is that one person to make that visit that can change their frown into a smile. The stories that my grandmother told me about her life will always stick. Maybe I should have chronicled them because of the intrigue with which they exist in my imagination. 

So the next time you see an elderly person say good morning, shake their hand, assist them in crossing the road and maybe give them five minutes to express how they feel. To you it might just be one person in the world but to that one person, it might just mean the world.
Just live LIFE- Love, Imagine, Find & Explore.

1 comment:

  1. Often I have thought the same and at times it may seem hard and they may seem 'miserable' based on just one encounter, but we as the younger generations help them out of that misery by just offering a kind word or deed here or there. We must respect our elders and strive to help them in whatever ways we can. Great article my friend.
