April 9, 2011

The Simple Act

          Two weekends ago, the Catholic Student Movement (CSM) held its Bake Sale to raise funds. It was well supported by the communities of St. Thomas Aquinas and St.s Peter and Paul.  However it was one simple yet profound act that made my weekend so memorable. On Sunday morning I was inviting the parishioners to come and buy at the sale. There was an old lady who is petite in stature who attends Mass faithfully. She  interestingly sometimes brings her cat to Mass. (The cat is always quiet so you never know that its there!) She came to support and proceeded to buy. She opened her purse and in it I observed a fifty dollar bill. This was the only bill there. She then proceeded to have a brownie and then went to pay. She pulled out a five dollar coin and gave it along with the fifty dollar bill to our cashier. When he told her that it was only fifty dollars she said the five dollars was her contribution. This simple yet profound act touched me. So many times we take for granted the small acts that persons carry out but to this woman, the five dollar that she contributed, was her little way of giving. It may not have been much but it was something worth giving.

        The lesson to be learnt here is one of humility. As young people we sometimes take for granted what we have and feel that we must "show off" what we have. When its not the newest fashions or accessories, we must have the newest trends. When was the last time that you have done one small act that impacted on someone less fortunate than you? I must say that seeing that gesture has inspired me to do at least one small act of kindness each week. Its nothing grand or something that I need to boast about but at the end of the day I have the satisfaction in my heart that I did something good today and there is no better feeling than this!

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